What can you learn with this course?

Welcome to our series of tutorials that will help get started on your journey through the incredible Arduino world. These introductory guides are intended for those of you who are looking into studying computer science, electrical engineering or similar fields, as well as those curious about what the Arduino is and does.

You will learn step-by-step how to build some basic circuits and program the Arduino to control them.


  • LED

    Blink a LED

  • Servo

    Turn a servo motor

  • Ultrasonic

    Measure distance with sound

  • Serial

    Send data to computer

  • Radar

    Combine knowledge to build a radar


Aims and Objectives

Why learn Arduino?

  • Many cool projects. Links: one, two.
  • Great introduction to electronics and programming

This course is aimed at school students aged 15-18 with some prior programming experience who want to start using the Arduino platform or are looking into applying for computer science, electronics or similar fields as they would get a general idea of what to expect from the course. The lessons provide an introduction to Arduino circuits and programming. We explain how to create a few basic projects and encourage the readers to build something creative on top of the learned material. To build the projects, you will need an Arduino kit with some basic components (breadboard, jumper wires, ...).

We hope that the readers will be encouraged to learn more about these topics after completing this course.

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM education enables innovation which leads to new products which improve our society and economy. The Arduino platform offers an introduction to the world of engineering and programming. We hope that this course motivates some students to consider learning more about STEM subjects.

How are the lessons structured?

The tutorials will be each split into 2 sections, the first one will help you set up the circuit and the second will teach you how to program the arduino board to control the elements of the circuit.

The exercise and challenge in the end is to build something on top of things learned in the lesson. You will have to find out yourself how to do certain things.

You should have a basic understanding of programming concepts before you start, so if you are very new to the world of programming, we recommend you follow the following series:

For those of you who want to learn more

The following section contains links and references for those of you who would like to expand your knowledge beyond what is contained in these tutorials. The references include the main pages for arduino and processing, some additional websites with electronics tutorials as well as some videos for those of you who prefer learning through watching.

  • Arduino home page: The official Arduino page that contains useful documentation and official resources
  • Processing home page: The official Processing page that contains useful documentation and official resources
  • Instructables: Do it Yourself tutorials made by the community
  • Sparkfun: General electronics and other Arduino text-based tutorials
  • Daniel Shiffman Youtube: Great videos on processing and general programming
  • Electronics Tutorials: A series of videos on electronics by Derek Banas
  • Google: Never forget the power of Google - it is the programmer's most powerful tool since many of the problems you will encounter will have been solved by someone else